Niraivagam - Life in its fullness
Niraivagam – Don Bosco Institute of Psychological Services (DBIPS)

N-PEP Project 2.0 Inauguration

N-PEP Project 2.0 Inauguration 

Date: 14 July 2024

Niraivagam Psychological Empowerment Programme (N-PEP) – Project 2.0 was launched for 80 Evening Study Centre students at Thalavadi. This initiative is led by Rev. Dr. Jeyaraj SDB and generously funded by his family members.

Fr. John Paul SDB – Rector, Br. Francis SDB Evening Study Centre Incharge and Fr. Sankar SDB, the Principal, warmly welcomed the project, appreciating the kindness of the family in serving the needy.

On the same day, the training team conducted workshops for: 15 teachers, 80 students

The programme aims to empower students and teachers through psychological empowerment sessions on various themes, promoting overall well-being and growth.