Niraivagam - Life in its fullness
Niraivagam – Don Bosco Institute of Psychological Services (DBIPS)

Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sagayathottam

A one-day Life Skills for Empowered Living session was organized on 10th February by Niraivagam for the Students of Don Bosco College of Agriculture, Sagayathottam. There were 146 first-year students and 107 second-year students who took part in these empowerment sessions. Resource persons Fr. Ravi Aruldass SDB, Asst. Director of Niraivagam and Mr. Selvendhiran, Associate Director and Trainer of Niraivagam, dwelt with proficiency the following topics: Goal setting and time management, Preciousness of life, and Managing one’s own emotions. During the feedback session, students expressed that they were able to appreciate the preciousness of life, manage their emotional well-being and go back and recheck the goals that they have for their lives. They also said that they have learnt during the sessions the importance of having short-term goals to achieve the greater goals and dreams that they have for their lives. Niraivagam is grateful to the college administration for this initiative and opportunity and for the collaborations.