Niraivagam - Life in its fullness
Niraivagam – Don Bosco Institute of Psychological Services (DBIPS)

Methods in Social Science Research - Level One Valedictory

The valedictory function of the workshop “Methods in Social Science Research - Level One” was successfully organized by Niraivagam - Don Bosco Institute of Psychological Services on 28th July 2024 .

• Prayer song and Master of Ceremony by Mrs. Viola – Chief Guest, Niraivagam.

• Welcome address and introduction of  Fr. John Alexander, Vice Provincial and Rector, Citadel, Chennai by    Rev. Dr. Jeyaraj SDB - Founder and Director, Niraivagam.

• Felicitation address by Rev. Fr. John Alexander, Vice Provincial and Rector, Citadel, Chennai

• Special address by resource person Dr. Kannan, Director of M.S. Chellamuthu Institute of Mental Health and Rehabilitation, Madurai

• Feedback session with positive responses from participants

• Vote of thanks by Rev. Fr. Ravi SDB, Assistant Director

The valedictory function marked a successful conclusion to the workshop, with esteemed guests and participants -26 sharing their insights and appreciation. The event was a fitting end to the learning experience, with positive feedback and gratitude expressed by all