Niraivagam - Life in its fullness
Niraivagam – Don Bosco Institute of Psychological Services (DBIPS)

Psychological Empowerment Programme

On 13 July 2024 the Niraivagam Training Team successfully conducted a comprehensive session for 174 students at Don Bosco MHSS, Thalavadi, covering essential topics such as:

– Goal Setting

– Time Management

– Leadership Skills

– Social Media Awareness

The team, consisting of Fr. Ravi, Mr. Joshua, and myself, delivered an engaging and informative session that resonated with both students and teachers. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with participants expressing their gratitude and enthusiasm for the valuable insights gained.Fr. Rector and his team, acknowledging the impact of our session on the students. We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to their growth and development.

On 13 July 2024 Fr. Ravi SDB conducted a meaningful workshop for 35 teachers at Don Bosco MHSS, Thalavadi, focusing on essential topics that impact their professional and personal lives: Mental Well-being and Classroom Management. The workshop was a resounding success, with teachers expressing their appreciation and enthusiasm for the valuable insights and practical strategies shared. Fr. Rector and his team were delighted with the positive feedback and grateful for the opportunity to support their teachers’ growth and development. Fr. Ravi’s expertise and engaging presentation style made the workshop an enriching experience for all participants. The teachers left with renewed energy, inspiration and practical tools to enhance their teaching practices and personal well-being.